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【升本资料】   2018-12-19 16:22:06 作者:夏天  浏览:2882


  1. be angry with 对(某人)生气

2. be bored with 对……厌烦

3. be busy with 忙于

4. be careful with 小心

5. be concerned with 关于,与……有关

6. be content with 以……为满足

7. be delighted with 对……感到高兴

8. be disappointed with 对(某人)失望

9. be familiar with 熟悉,精通

10. be honest with 对(某人)真诚

11. be ill with 患……病

12. be patient with 对(某人)有耐心

13. be pleased with 对……满意(高兴)

14. be popular with 受……欢迎

15. be satisfied with 对……满意

16. be strict with 对(某人)严格


1. be accustomed to 习惯于

2. be blind to 对……视而不见

3. be close to 靠近,接近

4. be cruel to 对……残酷,对……无情

5. be devoted to 献身,专心于

6. be equal to 等于,能胜任

7. be familiar to 为(某人)所熟悉

8. be harmful to 对……有危害

9. be important to 对……重要p;

10. be open to 对……开放,易受到

11. be opposed to 反对,不赞成

12. be opposite to 在……对面,和……相反

13. be polite to 对……有礼貌

14. be related to 与……有关(是亲戚)

15. be respectful to 尊敬

16. be rude to 对……无礼

17. be similar to 与……相似

18. be true to 忠实于,信守

19. be used to 习惯于

20. be useful to 对……有用

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